31 January 2010


I find the world to be an intense and overwhelming place; yet it is with my photography that I am able to more acutely interpret my surroundings and explore where it is that I reside. As a whole I have a difficult time making sense of this immense environment; however, when I focus on certain singular aspects I am able to more clearly understand and appreciate the individual features of the whole. Once I capture and decipher my environment piece by piece I am able to appreciate my surroundings in a much more effective manner.

This week I went to Mendelsons Liquidation Outlet in Dayton. Talk about being overwhelmed! I wasn't so intrigued by the Dunkin Donut showcases or the soft drink dispensers on the first floor. Instead I headed to the third floor, which was labeled "electronics." There I saw rows and rows of bright wires, rooms filled to the brim with light bulbs, tubes and insulation and switches and filters and rope and countless items that still remain a mystery to me. I also thoroughly enjoyed the sweet disco ball and the box of bowling pins.

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